Inquiry freight

2012年11月25日 in 海运货运
provides professional 4TH PARTY LOGISTICS service to coloaders.In each of WTS offices there are both person with English/Chinese and/or Local Language speaking,making your communication with destination agent easy and comfort,and is very helpful for coloaders to control overalll cost.

You may be interested with one or more of following points;

1.Inquiry freight rates for cargo ex ports both domestic or abroad.

2.Devanning consolidated containers in China and D/O exchange

3.Collecting charges abroad with guranteed immediate account settlemet,as fast as in the same week.

4.Nomination cargo handling.

5.Assist to furnish parts of international logistics project procedures.

If you care the RELIABILITY and EFFICIENCY of your logistics partner in China and South East Asia,WTS would like to be one of your good choice.
