
2013年5月9日 in 货运代理
Air and Ocean transportation and professional freight forwarder. Head office of JWS is in shenzhen,from this modest start,after several years of wind and rain, JWS has grown to a cross-border international freight and logistics group from a single logistics company. JWS enjoys a high reputation in the cost effective services, a stable financial status and professional services,get the international transportation agent right of many shipping companies and airlines. Air freight take a “three-in-one” way to help customers select a best cost-effective delivery of goods among Guangzhou / Shenzhen / Hong Kong; signed dozens of airlines, have their own sites to ensure enough space, cargo storage warehouse for customers to choose! With the combination of air and sea transport to obtain a best price. In 2008 develop the express delivery business, cooperate with Hong Kong Express company and develop the specaial services, the business development achieve the three-dimensional mode of transportation of JWS , achieve all-round economic model in order to achieve a purpose of "full-service area Put in place cost-effective".  公司总部设在深圳南山区.国际货物运输是我们的主营项目,公司设有客服部、报关部、拖车部、国际贸易部、财务部。除正常经营 深圳港口整箱、散箱的国际运输外,我司可运用全球强大代理网络,协同您将货物安全,快速的运输到全球各地.   '专业,专注,用心服务'是公司的经营宗旨。 公司自主开发了强大的物流管理系统以及客户服务中心系统,协同我司的短信平台与在线客服系统,为客户提供了最快速,最方便,最准确的服务.公司超前的经营理念和高素质的员工队伍,在同行业中具有极强的竞争能力,能够 为国内外客户提供优质高效的服务。我们将努力把公司建成一个五星级的国际货运代理的集团企业而奋斗。我们真诚欢迎中外各界朋友与我公司携手共创辉煌明天。 公司主要服务范围:代收信用证,代收外汇,美金,香港进口,进出口货运一条龙服务。 拖车,报关,报检,海运,空运等
