2013年7月18日 in 货代企业
Warehouse Logistics Our company has experienced administrators, independent warehouses, professional vehicles and other equipments. Relying on the cargo operating system developed by our company we are able to provide customers with warehousing services that are safe, orde...
Value-added services According to your terms of trade, we can provide port of destination services to varying degrees, such as to-port and to-door services. If needed, we can provide customs clearance, warehousing, distribution, delivery services in any ATE stationed cities...
Bonded Logistics Shenzhen Airport Bonded Logistics Center October 18, 2010 officially closed the operation, the company is Shenzhen Airport Bonded Logistics Center’s core operating agency can conduct the following business:
主要经营船东:地中海 MSC伊朗国航 HDSL 美国总统 APL达飞轮船 CMA中远集运 COSCON 现代商船 HMM韩进海运HJ 川崎汽船 KLINE 阳明公司YML 中海集运 CSCL
长荣航运 EMC 万海航运 WHLL商船三井 MOL 日本邮轮NYK马士基 MSK 太平船务 PIL 北欧亚 NCL
主要经营船东:中海集运 CSCL 美国总统 APL达飞轮船 CMA中远集运 COSCON
现代商船 HMM 川崎汽船 KLINE阳明公司YML
Value-added services According to your terms of trade, we can provide port of destination services to varying degrees, such as to-port and to-door services. If needed, we can provide customs clearance, warehousing, distribution, delivery services in any ATE stationed cities...
Bonded Logistics Shenzhen Airport Bonded Logistics Center October 18, 2010 officially closed the operation, the company is Shenzhen Airport Bonded Logistics Center’s core operating agency can conduct the following business:
主要经营船东:地中海 MSC伊朗国航 HDSL 美国总统 APL达飞轮船 CMA中远集运 COSCON 现代商船 HMM韩进海运HJ 川崎汽船 KLINE 阳明公司YML 中海集运 CSCL
长荣航运 EMC 万海航运 WHLL商船三井 MOL 日本邮轮NYK马士基 MSK 太平船务 PIL 北欧亚 NCL
主要经营船东:中海集运 CSCL 美国总统 APL达飞轮船 CMA中远集运 COSCON
现代商船 HMM 川崎汽船 KLINE阳明公司YML