2015年10月12日 in 国际货代
在长期的报关报检工作中,我司有着良好的信誉,及客户之所急,想客户之所想,我公司会根据合作客户的经营性质、产品特点,再根据我们所了解的专业知识,协助客户制定出一套方便快捷的通关方案,我们相信客户需要的不仅仅是一个单纯程序上的通关员,二十一个能过解决问题的方案。通关速度,分秒必争!您的货物,一定是第一时间提出,第一时间入港。公司拥有一批素质以及品质优良的通关员,他们的专业知识精湛,以准确的效率和快速的通关让客户满意!对于特殊品种,如大型机电设备、冷冻或活的海鲜、危险品、大吨的矿产品、粮谷、汽车零配件、钢材以及特殊产品的海运操作以及通关都有着独到的服务优势! in the areas of warehousing, distribution, and transportation in China.Also We can offer a comprehensive range of port-to-port and door-to-door multi-modal import and export freight forwarding services between People's Republic of China and to/from global destinations.Our mission is to provide safe, on-time arrival of goods, for the lowest rate in the least amount of time.
Gobest Logistics Service (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd has strategically placed agents through-out the world, to facilitate the effective and timely movement of freight to even the most complex shipping destinations. Unlike other forwarders, we handle ground, air, and ocean shipments enabling us to choose from the widest possible variety of shipping channels in order to satisfy our clients' specific shipping needs.
Gobest Logistics Service (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd has strategically placed agents through-out the world, to facilitate the effective and timely movement of freight to even the most complex shipping destinations. Unlike other forwarders, we handle ground, air, and ocean shipments enabling us to choose from the widest possible variety of shipping channels in order to satisfy our clients' specific shipping needs.