
2022年1月23日 in 海运货运
Ocean Freight Service
Air Freight Service
Consolidation Service
Cross Border E-commerce Logistics
Overseas Agencies
Sea Rail Multiple Transportation
Project Logistics
Reefer Container Service
Ocean Freight Service
Sea Freight is a fundamental business of our company. Our FCL shipping service covers the main ports all over the world. We can provide customer with competitive rate and space availability. We have signed very competitive contract rates with MAERSK, EVERGREEN, PIL, MSC, OOCL, COSCO, YANG MING, ZIM and a number of world-renowned shipping companies. We have rich experience in the operation of ODC containers, perishable, fragile and DG cargo. With integrated domestic network and comprehensive global agency network, we can provide multiple kinds of services at any port to achieve your shipping goals.
运输保险 您的位置:首页 > 物流服务 > 运输保险



第一章 总则

第一条 为使保险货物在水路、铁路、公路和联合运输中,因遭受保险责任范围内的自然灾害或意外事故,所造成的损失能够得到经济补偿,并加强货物运输的安全防损工作,以利商品生产和商品流通,特举办本保险。
