MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A., of Geneva

2011年3月31日 in 货代企业
AE United Arab Emirates 阿联酋 亚洲
AF Afghanistan 阿富汗 亚洲
AL Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 亚洲
AO Angola 安哥拉 非洲
AR Argentina 阿根廷 南美洲
AT Austria 奥地利 欧洲
AU Australia 澳大利亚 大洋洲
AZ Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 亚洲
BD Bangladesh 孟加拉 亚洲

MSC的全称是地中海航运公司(Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.),总部位于瑞士日内瓦。MSC于1970年建立,2007年成为按照集装箱运力和集装箱船数量排序的世界第二大航运公司。MSC目前在全世界有350个机构,28,000员工,255艘集装箱船,880,000 TEU的运力,在全球五大洲215个码头停靠,提供175条直航和组合航线服务。

MSC provides an unparalleled service network via dedicated own offices throughout the world and remains a truly independent and private Company able to respond quickly to market changes and implement long term plans, without unnecessary interference or delay.
As of the end of October 2009 MSC was operating 382 vessels with an intake capacity of 1,482,269 TEU's.
With a streamlined management structure in Geneva, MSC has become a leading customer focused and cost effective global transportation solution for many shippers.

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A., of Geneva, Switzerland is a privately owned shipping line, founded in 1970, which has rapidly grown from a small conventional ship operator to become one of the leading global shipping lines of the world.
During recent years MSC's maritime fleet has expanded substantially to consolidate its position in 2003 as the 2nd largest carrier in respect of container slot capacity and of the number of container vessels operated. Such spectacular growth has been achieved internally through organic growth rather than through acquisition or merger.

